·Felt ·Embroidery Floss ·Sewing Needles ·Fabric Glue ·Travel Tissues ·5x7 Templates ·Scissors ·Embellishments ·Sharpie Markers
1. Using a Sharpie marker, trace template onto your chosen piece of felt and cut out.
2. To help the kids visualize where they need to decorate, demonstrate how the cover will fit around the tissues by being folded into thirds. Make sure you fold any trace marks to the inside of the cover.
3. Embellish your tissue cover how ever you please. Use ribbon, sequins, beads, google eyes, anything you like! You may sew or glue on your embellishments. If you use glue, let your cover dry before progressing.
4. Using a whip stitch or a running stitch, fold your cover in thirds and stitch together to close.
5. Remove tissues from their travel plastic container and insert into your newly fashioned cover.
6. Enjoy
How darling is this!!!! I love that the one case looks like a face and the tissue come out of the mouth... Very wonderful crafty idea here!
Posted by: BobbypinBandit | January 07, 2012 at 09:40 PM
How the heck are you you lovely????
Thank you for wishing me to fele better, it worked!!!!
Are you out there somewhere... I wonder what you are up to??
Posted by: Vanessa | June 05, 2012 at 03:09 PM