Sometime in the next few days, I'll type up the list of books I've read and listened to this year, but I thought I'd take this time to list some of the other things that happened this year. I know I've not been as active in this space as in the past, and I thank you all for sticking with me just the same!
I met my neice, Kennedy, born December 25 2009, for the very first time.
Best Tweet/s: "Brian just tried to kiss me and instead shocked the bejeesus out of my lip. It still hurts. Ive refused 2 kiss him until later. Like Spring."
"I am up way too early for Saturday. I hope the bank appreciates that I put on pants."
Made this doll quilt for the 8th Doll Quilt Swap. I also made two dolls for Craft Hope for Haiti.
Best Tweet/s: "I'm feeling dizzy and like I might fall over, but only to the left."
"I ate way too much candy and now I feel like the room is moving. It's like being drunk, but with candy."
I got a new car. I love it lots.
Best Tweet/s: "I managed to go to Target today and not buy any of the new Liberty stuff. My self control was surprised."
"It's probably best that I have to work today. Brian is surly and I'm premenstrual. It's like Diet Coke and Mentos, without the fun."
I got a haircut.
Best Tweet/s: "Im cleaning my bedroom. By the look of all these dust bunnies, I'd say its been declared some kind of national preserve."
Brian and I went on vacation to Wisconson over Memorial Day weekend. We went to the coolest toy store ever, stayed at a lovely B&B, got to explore a cave, and even cuddled a big blue ox. It was just what we needed.
Best Tweet/s: "I would rather read than do anything else. I was going to add "today" to the end of that, but its pretty much an everyday thing."
"They left me alone with the baby. I hope she doesn't poop."
"Apparently the baby produced a fecal ordeal yesterday to rival the 9 feats of Hercules. And she waited until I was gone to do it. Good baby."
"The looks 120 children give you when they come in to their morning assembly and discover you in an octopus costume are really special."
Janeice, the director at the library where I work, retired after 18 years at the helm. Sad panda. But Kennedy continued to be cute, so that's a bonus. Oh, and I got a Blackberry, against my better judgement, and fell instantly in love with it. Technology rules.
Best Tweet/s: "Brian is bringing me donuts for breakfast. It is good to be loved."
"Just picked up our first CSA share for the summer. I snuck a strawberry on the way home and the flavor explosion was intense and wonderful!"
"I was awakened at 2am by Brian rubbing my face. I asked him what was wrong, and he told me that he needed to find the Last Knife for the Last Knife Pouring System. Then he rolled over and went back to sleep. Question: Why is he storing knives in my FACE?!"
"Pancakes with strawberries 4 late breakfast, Snicker Salad 4 midafternoon snack, delish spinich salad with chix and potatoes 4 dinner. Yum!"
All Summer Reading Program, all the time. Except for the one weekend where I pretended to be a super hero.
Best Tweet/s: "I told my dad about eating locally, so he dug thru the apples at the store to find the US ones instead of the ones from NZ. Love him!"
"I love my blackberry. I can get internet in my tent!"
"Brian is home. We slept in until 9. It is his birthday. All was well until the cat threw up in the hallway."
We went to the circus. I was in heaven.
Best Tweet/s: "Brian fixed the water heater by banging on it with a hammer. I feel like I'm married to the guy from Red Green, but hey, it's fixed."
"I got my AARP card today. Seriously. Apparently librarianship ages you 30 years immediately."
"Hello beautiful, low humidity day. Go for a bike ride, you say? Don't mind if I do! How 'bout two? Sounds divine!"
"It's official; I'm a certified librarian now! Woo! "
We went and visited Owen and Natalie in Lincoln. And Brian turned into a beautiful butterfly.
Best Tweet/s: "In the last 10 min, I've stepped in cat vomit, discovered a rancid milk spill in the garage, had my ABS light come on and been cut off. Yay."
"A delicious piece of bread with butter and honey on it can turn a mediocre peach into something special."
"Today is my 3 year anniversary at the library. I think there will be cake later."
Caught up on some bee block sewing. Also, there was halloween.
Best Tweet/s: "Potato leek soup and eggplant sandwiches for dinner. I'm so fat and happy right now!"
"Stuffing my face while I wait for Dan Wardell to speak. A grown man in a cape is worth listening to. #iowala10"
"2011 summer program theme is world cultures. For our service project, we're going to raise money for Heifer Intl to buy a goat!"
"I got ceiling in my eye. That's about as fun as it sounds."
"Being group hugged by 15 preschoolers is pretty much the best part of my day."
We had the Festival of Tables at the library. Presumably, I also worked on Christmas presents.
Best Tweet/s: "I just went to the bathroom and discovered that I've apparently been reading on the couch for the last hour in my sunglasses. I had no idea."
"A lady eating at the bakery told me I remind her of someone on the new Degrassi. I didn't have the heart to tell her I'm 30."
"Cleo found a ziploc with a muffin in my purse, tore a hole in it and proceeded to eat it. We took it away after 2 bites. She hates us now."
"Brian dumped a big basket of fresh laundry on the bed to fold and I crawled under it to steal it's warmths."
We refloored, painted and redecorated our family room. Kennedy turned one and tried to inhale her peice of birthday cake. I made her a ring stacker to celebrate. She was very pleased.
Best Tweet/s: "Snack. "
"Part of my dream last night involved me escaping by running through a tiny Lego village. I don't really want to know what that says about me"
"The Night They Saved Christmas on youtube and Shepherd's Pie day. Its like a Christmas miracle! So happy!"
It's been far quieter in this space than I wished. There's a million things that need doing and I'm behind on everything. More than once I've thought of giving up this space, but I like a visual record of my year that I can look back on, however sparse my posting may be. I have two quilting bee blocks that I haven't finished, a few presents that aren't done, a diaper bag for my sister who could pop a baby out any day now, a house that needs it's cleaning finished, and a snow storm that is threatening to ruin Christmas. So please bear with me while I'm quiet for a little longer. I promise to be back in the new year with pictures of things I have made, as well as a precious little bundle we've been waiting for for so long. Thank you for sticking with me, even when I've been less than verbose. You are all lovely.
Hi. Remember me? I won't blame you if you don't. If there was a Worst Blogger in History Award, I'd probably win. If anyone remembered that I had a blog. I'd apologize for my lack of entertainment in these parts, only I'm not exactly sorry. I just didn't have anything to say. Some days, I found it hard to twitter. If I couldn't come up with 140 characters worth reading, I did you all a favor by not blogging. Trust me. Today, because I'm feeling chatty, I'm going to log a bunch of posts a few days apart in hopes that they will last until the next time I feel chatty. We shall see.
For Halloween, Brian and I were Octopi. I saw the idea in Family Fun magazine and then I made a better costume than the one they described. I stitched the legs closed, instead of using duct tape and I made my suckers out of felt, instead of just using mailing seals. My eyeballs are felt too, instead of styrofoam balls. This hopefully means that these will last a little while, as I have at least 40 hours worth of work in them. There were A LOT of suckers! I went through a whole bottle of Fabri-Tac. But we're cute and that's what matters!
1. Go to the big box store of your choice and purchase a red bandanna. Really, this step is optional if you already have one, but it is the source of the $1.89 expenditure.
2. Borrow your husband's loudest... I mean AWESOMEST shirt.
3. Cuff the sleeves, because apparently your husband's knuckles drag on the ground.
4. Put on your really comfy wide-legged capris. The one's the kids refer to as your "pirate pants."
5. Put on your slouchy knee high boots. Because you can't have pirate pants without pirate boots.
6. Put your belt on the outside of your shirt. Wish you had a sword.
7. Wear a lot of necklaces. Like, a lot.
8. Wish you didn't look pregnant in the picture you decided to share on the internet. Because you are so totally not.
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